Thursday, 9 August 2012


dr martin luther king 2"Darkness cannot drive out darkness:only light can do that.hate cannot drive out hate:only love can do that" Dr Martin Luther King.

love has failed to drive out fastuous behaviour among our fellow human beings.It has only escalated to outrages amounts of detest for our fellow beings. Take for example how religion is at the pinnacle of our societies existence. It defines most of our generations spiritual compass, their sense of individualism and how they choose to live their lives according to religious rules and regulations. Most people abide by these rules 100% and follow them to the letter. To analyse Christianity, their followers believe that you must treat others as you would like to be treated, yet they are first in line to judge and critise gays and lesbians. They treat them with such anger because of their choice of sexuality and lifestyle.

If you are gay or lesbian you cannot be christian because they believe God did not create Adam and Steve but Adam and Eve. The same bible that they live by has a scripture that speaks about not judging others for you yourself do not want to be judged only God can do that. That scripture is such a contradiction to what they believe and what they practice. Christians believe that being gay or lesbian is an experimental project engineered by the pressures of society. No God fearing person can engage in such ill mannered behaviour. Traditional churches such as the 13th Apostle and Zion Christ Church believe in religous traditional methods in dealing with same sex affairs. Some famalies believe they should perform certain rituals for their gay children , nephews and sibilings. These methods try and rectify the 'curse'that the ancestors have bestowed upon them. Others even go to extreams such as corrective rape and  violent beatings. All these religous organiations have religous hostility towards other human beings for being who they are and ebracing that. whoever you choose to sleep with should have no bearing on your religion or whether your a good person or not. Most of the time religion determine who most people are, what direction they take in life and what they believe in. So religion dictates to most of us how we dispise other people.

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